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IT Support Assistant Apprentice

7 February by QA

Employer description: Alzheimer Scotland, the national dementia charity, envisions a future without dementia and strives to ensure no one faces it alone. Our goals include empowering individuals to maintain brain health, providing care for those livi...

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ICT Consultant

13 February by Turn IT On

ICT Consultant Reading - Berkshire 25,000 - 30,000 Turn IT on are looking for an ICT Consultant who has a real flair for technology mixed with a passion for providing exemplary service to our customers to join our team supporting schools across Readi...

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There are 2 Health Care Assistant jobs within 10 miles of Upperwalthamstow on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for health care assistant jobs also search for worker jobs, support worker jobs, health care jobs, care assistant jobs, and care worker jobs.

What is the average salary of Health Care Assistant jobs in upperwalthamstow

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