3 In House Jobs in Oakham

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Room Manager

13 November by Busy Bees Nurseries

Are you a Qualified Nursery Room Leader? Great We are looking to bring on board a childcare professional on a FULL TIME permanent basis at Busy Bees. ...

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Primary Teachers

Are you a qualified and dedicated teacher with a passion for shaping young minds? Ready to be part of an inspiring team at a highly-regarded, Ofsted Outstanding school? We’re looking for enthusiastic Early Years (EY), Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2 tea...

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Room Manager

13 November by Busy Bees Nurseries

Are you a Qualified Nursery Room Leader? Great We are looking to bring on board a childcare professional on a FULL TIME permanent basis at Busy Bees. As a Room Leader with us, you will guide and support the team by role modelling your knowledge and b...

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Therapeutic Teaching and Residential Assistant

Therapeutic Teaching and Residential AssistantWilds Lodge School - Rutland 21,684 per annum. This will increase to 22,184 per annum upon completion of an NVQ Level 3 (Diploma in Residential Childcare) Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.30pm (Term Time onl...

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How many In House jobs in oakham are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 3 In House jobs within 10 miles of Oakham on Reed.co.uk right now.

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