7 Accountancy Insight Recruitment Solutions Limited Jobs

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Finance Manager - Insurance

Interim Finance Manager An opportunity has arisen with an expanding insurance group for a qualified accountant to join and mentor a small team as a Finance Manager for an initial period of six months Core responsibilities will include Financial Repor...

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Finance Manager - Insurance

Finance Manager An opportunity has arisen with an expanding insurance group for a qualified accountant to join and mentor a small team as a Finance Manager Core responsibilities will include Financial Reporting & Control : Prepare accurate and timely...

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Interim Syndicate Accountant

A leading City insurer is looking for and additional resource to support their syndicate/finance team. This broad role will be to support the syndicate finance team on a variety of issues from BAU reporting through to projects. Key responsibilities i...

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Senior Accountant - Insurance

Senior Accountant - Insurance Due to an internal promotion this specialty insurer is recruiting for a qualified accountant with strong insurance and reinsurance experience to work in a varied and high profile finance role Core responsibilities will i...

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Interim Finance Manager - Projects - Insurance

Interim Finance Manager As they go through a period of change this Lloyd's insurer requires an qualified accountant with strong understanding of the insurance market to assist with a variety of problem solving and projects within their finance functi...

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Interim FP&A Manager / Project

Interim FP&A Manager / Project As they go through a period of change this Lloyd's insurer requires an FP&A Specialist to assist on a variety of project initiatives including Process improvement and streamlining Developing analysis with a new general ...

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Senior Reporting Accountant

Senior Reporting Accountant This ambitious and growing MGA group is seeking an additional senior accounting hire for their expanding finance function. Designed with progression in mind, this broad role includes responsibilities such as: Ownership of ...

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