4 IT Jobs in Elmsteadrow

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IT operation Technician

2 days ago by Birmingham AV Ltd

As an IT operations technician, you’ll typically work across two main areas, with first-line IT support usually involving more customer interaction and individual issues to resolve, while second-line focuses on complex or escalated issues. You might ...

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Graduate Developer / Software Engineer

12 February by Eutopia Solutions ltd

Graduate Developer / Software Engineer Winnersh, Berkshire (100% office based) 39,500 starting package, rising to 46,000 within 6 months Jumpstart Your Career with Innovative Tech & Fast-Track Growth Are you a tech enthusiast who loves solving proble...

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South Wiltshire - Software Test Engineer - 35k to 45k

27 January by Platform Recruitment

My client is a well established designer and manufacturer of high end consumer electronics. They are looking for a Software Test Engineer to join their R&D team. Main Duties: Working closely with the Software Development team to develop test plans to...

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Firmware Engineer

21 January by Platform Recruitment

Firmware Engineer | 45 - 60k | Swansea | On-site My client is a world leader in their field, working in the household & medical device sector. Due to big growth plans this year, they are expanding their team. Main duties: Developing STM32 microcontro...

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