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KS1 & KS2 Teacher

14 January by Polehampton

VACANCIES FOR CLASS TEACHERS (KS1 & 2) PHASE LEAD OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE We are seeking dynamic, hardworking and talented teachers to work at our sch...

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KS1 & KS2 Teacher

14 January by Polehampton

VACANCIES FOR CLASS TEACHERS (KS1 & 2) PHASE LEAD OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE We are seeking dynamic, hardworking and talented teachers to work at our schools and share our vision of providing the very best education to our pupils. WHO ARE WE? Polehampto...

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Home Admissions Manager

23 December by Goodman Masson

Job Purpose: The primary responsibility of this role is to deliver outstanding admissions and recruitment services for prospective students, providing expert and professional advice throughout the application process. The aim is to continuously enhan...

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