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10 February by LANCESOFT LTD

Title: Machinist Duration: 12 months fixed term contract Location: ABERDEEN, BADENTOY Responsible for operating and setting up machining equipment to produce precision parts for the energy industry, primarily by reading and interpreting engineering d...

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Sewing Machinist

We are seeking a competent sewing machinist to work for family run fashion business. We can consider full and part time applicants who are happy and confident amending a high volume of garments to meet our clients discerning requirements. The success...

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Press and Weld Linishing

30 January by CastleView Group

Duties: Assess which welding equipment is required and which method is the most appropriate for a specific welding task Repair machinery or other components by welding or filling holes Inspect welded surfaces and smooth them for the best finish Align...

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Press and Weld Linishing

30 January by CastleView Group

Our client is looking to recruit several Press and Weld Linishing’s to join a friendly team within a well-established company. We are seeking motivated & driven candidates who want to learn new skills and gain new experiences to progress within their...

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