3 Manager Design Jobs

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Marketing Apprentice

23 January by QA

Banner Contracts is a family run company based in Yorkshire and the North East of England and operating throughout mainland UK. We employ over 75 full time employees, eight of whom are based at our head office, with the remainder being site based ope...

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Software Developer Apprentice

19 February by QA

Who you’ll be working for: Situated in Yorkshire and Liverpool, Blacklight Software are a forward thinking Microsoft Gold Partner specialising in Microsoft solutions and bespoke software development. Our in-house team of Business Analysts, Project Ma...

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Digital Marketing Apprentice

21 February by QA

Employer description: Alpha Micro is the leading technical distributor of electronic components and wireless solutions in the UK and Ireland who are proud to have pioneered the concept of "design based" component distribution. Overview: We are now lo...

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