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Franchise Manager

Walker & Sloan is seeking a Franchise Manager to join a forward-thinking food delivery brand dedicated to providing quality, convenience, and exceptional service. As Franchise Manager, you’ll play a critical role in driving operational excellence, su...

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Category Purchasing Manager

Are you an experienced Category Purchasing Manager looking for a new challenge and career progression? Do you enjoy building strong supplier relationships and thrive on delivering value through best-in-class commercial deals? Do you have relationship...

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Site Production Manager

3 days ago by Ibstock PLC

WE ARE 200 years of history and over 2,300 employees strong. WE ARE a business loaded with opportunity and career progression. WE ARE innovators, designers, makers and engineers who manufacture and provide smart, efficient, and effective building pro...

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There are 3 Manager jobs within 10 miles of Fenny Lock on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for manager jobs also search for management jobs, sales jobs, office manager jobs, work from home jobs, and operations jobs.

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