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Senior Client Manager / Partner Designate

3 Feburary by Reed

Our client is a highly reputable regional chartered accountancy firm, a well-established business with a co-operative and supportive team of high calibre people. They have a record of developing and promoting their staff, with a number of partners st...

Job hidden.

Senior Client Manager / Partner Designate

3 Feburary by Reed

Our client is a highly reputable regional chartered accountancy firm, a well-established business with a co-operative and supportive team of high calibre people. They have a record of developing and promoting their staff, with a number of partners st...

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Senior Client Manager / Partner Designate

3 Feburary by Reed

Our client is a highly reputable regional chartered accountancy firm, a well-established business with a co-operative and supportive team of high calibre people. They have a record of developing and promoting their staff, with a number of partners st...

Job hidden.

Senior Client Manager / Partner Designate

3 Feburary by Reed

Our client is a highly reputable regional chartered accountancy firm, a well-established business with a co-operative and supportive team of high calibre people. They have a record of developing and promoting their staff, with a number of partners st...

Job hidden.

Finance Manager

We are working on behalf of a growing ambitious SME business that through international expansion is now looking to secure an experienced Finance Manager to play a key role within the finance team that will report to the FD and will manage the Financ...

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