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Outreach Worker

30 January by Prospero Teaching

Outreach Worker - High Peak Prospero Teaching are looking for an enthusiastic Outreach Worker to support SEMH pupils in a lovely school near High Peak. You must be able to drive for this role as you will be supporting pupils within the school and loc...

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Outreach Worker

16 January by Prospero Teaching

Outreach Worker - High Peak Prospero Teaching are looking for an enthusiastic Outreach Worker to support SEMH pupils in a lovely school near High Peak. You must be able to drive for this role as you will be supporting pupils within the school and loc...

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Outreach Worker

7 January by Prospero Teaching

Outreach - Stockport: Prospero Teaching are looking for an enthusiastic Outreach Worker to support SEMH pupils in a lovely school near Stockport. You must be able to drive for this role as you will be supporting pupils within the school and local com...

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Outreach Support Worker Early Years

Job Description Service Care Solutions has a new and exciting opportunity which has become available working as a Outreach Support Worker with Manchester City Council. Manchester City Council are currently looking for someone who is happy to work 37 ...

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There are 4 Outreach Worker jobs within 10 miles of Back Rowarth on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for outreach worker jobs also search for worker jobs, support worker jobs, care sector jobs, childcare jobs, and outreach jobs.

What is the average salary of Outreach Worker jobs in back rowarth

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