Job hidden.

Outreach Support Worker

11 February by Creative Support Ltd

We seek warm, professional Outreach Workers to work in Rochdale at Personalisation service. Successful candidates will provide flexible, personalised ...

Job hidden.

Outreach Support Worker

11 February by Creative Support Ltd

We seek warm, professional Outreach Workers to work in Rochdale at Personalisation service. Successful candidates will provide flexible, personalised support to people with support needs (mental health needs/learning disability/physical health needs)...

Job hidden.

Senior Support Worker

25 February by Creative Support Ltd

We have the opportunity for a person to join a team of 4 staff and 12 citizens with care and support needs. The role is a Senior Support Worker, supporting citizens who have enduring mental health diagnoses. The service is based in the Chorlton area ...

Job hidden.

Senior Support Worker

17 February by Creative Support Ltd

We have the opportunity for a person to join a team of 4 staff and 12 citizens with care and support needs. The role is a Senior Support Worker, supporting citizens who have enduring mental health diagnoses. The service is based in the Chorlton area ...

Job hidden.

Assistant Manager

1 week ago by Together Trust

Package Description: Together we make a difference, develop and learn, and support each other. Every day with us is different, but our mission remains the same: To champion the rights, needs and ambitions of the people we support - they are at the he...

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There are 4 Outreach Worker jobs within 10 miles of Manchester on right now.

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