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Scheme Manager / Sheltered Housing / Building & Estate Management

31 January by AWD online

Sheltered Retirement Housing Scheme Manager who has previous facilities / building and estate management experienceis required to join a housing association based in Bromley, Greater London. ALL INDUSTRY BACKGROUNDS CONSIDERED You won’t necessarily h...

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Interim Building Surveyor

Exciting Interim opportunity to work for one of the more renowned London Local Authorities. Currently this client is in need of an experienced Building Surveyor with a successful track record working within the Housing sector to join our Repairs, Mai...

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Interim Building Surveyor

Exciting Interim opportunity to work for one of the more renowned London Local Authorities. Currently this client is in need of an experienced Building Surveyor with a successful track record working within the Housing sector to join our Repairs, Mai...

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Building Surveyor - Repairs, Maintenance & Voids

Exciting opportunity to work for one of the more renowned London Local Authorities. Currently this client is in need of an experienced Building Surveyor with a successful track record working within the Housing sector to join our Repairs, Maintenance...

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Maintenance Person

20 January by Oakleaf Recruitment

Job Title: Maintenance Person Information about the Role: Working in General Maintenance in Beech Manor your duties will include the following: Conducting routine inspections of premises and equipment. Performing preventative maintenance. Handling ba...

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