2 Part-time Minute Jobs

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Leisure Activities Assistant / Activity Leader

24 February by Center Parcs

From the time our guests arrive to the minute they leave, we want them to enjoy every moment of their stay. Taking part in leisure activities is one o...

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Spa Therapist - London

21 February by Redcurrant Jobs

Spa Therapist - Shoreditch Balance and mindfulness are at the soul of this Spa in London Shoreditch, offering a range of relaxation, fitness, wellness and beauty services that rejuvenate, revitalise and re-energise. They also offer a comprehensive ra...

Job hidden.

Leisure Activities Assistant / Activity Leader

24 February by Center Parcs

From the time our guests arrive to the minute they leave, we want them to enjoy every moment of their stay. Taking part in leisure activities is one of the principal reasons that guests come to Center Parcs and our high standard of facilities and foc...

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