5 Part-time Assistant Pub Manager Jobs

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Football Assistant Manager

10 February by Flow Recruitment

Do you have a passion for football and sport? Our client are top of the league when it comes to 5-a-side with 43 football centres throughout the UK. Not all 5-a-side pitches are created equal which is why they have all-weather 5-a-side arenas just li...

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Assistant Manager - Football Leisure

12 February by Flow Recruitment

Do you have a passion for football and sport? Our client are top of the league when it comes to 5-a-side with 43 football centres throughout the UK. Not all 5-a-side pitches are created equal which is why they have all-weather 5-a-side arenas just li...

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Assistant Manager - Sports Football Centre

3 February by Flow Recruitment

Do you have a passion for football and sport? Our client are top of the league when it comes to 5-a-side with 43 football centres throughout the UK. Not all 5-a-side pitches are created equal which is why they have all-weather 5-a-side arenas just li...

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Assistant Manager - Leisure Football

27 January by Flow Recruitment

Do you have a passion for football and sport? Our client are top of the league when it comes to 5-a-side with 43 football centres throughout the UK. Not all 5-a-side pitches are created equal which is why they have all-weather 5-a-side arenas just li...

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Football Centre Assistant Manager

27 January by Flow Recruitment

Do you have a passion for football and sport? Our client are top of the league when it comes to 5-a-side with 43 football centres throughout the UK. Not all 5-a-side pitches are created equal which is why they have all-weather 5-a-side arenas just li...

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