Job hidden.

Team Manager

3 hrs ago by Booker Group

About the role We have exciting vacancies for Distribution Team Managers at Booker Magor DC. Reporting to the Shift Manager, you will be responsible f...

Job hidden.

Warehouse Late Shift Supervisor

27 January by Aspion

Warehouse Shift Supervisor Avonmouth, Bristol 30,000 - 32,000 (flexible depending on experience) Monday – Friday, 17:00 – 01:00 (Late Shift) We are seeking an experienced and dedicated Late Shift Manager to lead and support a team of warehouse person...

Job hidden.

Team Manager

3 hrs ago by Booker Group

About the role We have exciting vacancies for Distribution Team Managers at Booker Magor DC. Reporting to the Shift Manager, you will be responsible for Warehouse Operatives and Clerks on your shift, as well as the smooth efficient running of the War...

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Logistics Contract Coordinator

4 days ago by Davies Turner

Davies Turner have an exciting opportunity for a Logistics Contract Coordinator to join the team based in Bristol. Location: Avonmouth, BS11 8DT or Severn Beach, BS35 4DF Bristol (2 positions available) Salary: 23,000 - 28,000 per annum (Depending on...

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