2 Purchasing Jobs in West Moor End, Aspatria (west Moor End)

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Senior Buyer

17 January by LKQ Euro Car Parts

Company description: Hundreds of thousands of parts. One global engine. We sell more than just car parts. As part of LKQ Corporation, the world's larg...

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Senior Buyer

1 week ago by Major Recruitment

A CIPS qualified Senior Buyer is sought to join a dynamic West Midlands Technology Manufacturing company to develop purchasing strategies and support the Supply Chain Manager. YOUR NEW JOB Key responsibilities will be: - Identify and evaluate potenti...

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Senior Buyer

17 January by LKQ Euro Car Parts

Company description: Hundreds of thousands of parts. One global engine. We sell more than just car parts. As part of LKQ Corporation, the world's largest auto parts provider, LKQ Euro Car Parts is the driving force keeping vehicles moving in the UK a...

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There are 2 Purchasing jobs within 10 miles of West Moor End on Reed.co.uk right now.

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