4 Science Jobs in Worksop(Scientific)

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Development Technologist

3 days ago by Smart4Chemicals

Smart4Chemicals are looking to recruit a Development Technologist for a leading composite materials manufacturer in the Nottinghamshire area. To be considered for the role of Development Technologist you must be degree educated as a minimum in materi...

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Concrete Testing Technician Company Van

24 February by hireful.

Do you want to place your career path on ‘concrete’ foundations? Would you like to launch yourself into materials testing and enhance your laboratory skills in a sector where they are really valued? We are a national but family owned aggregates organ...

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Senior Microbiologist

Our client is a highly successful UKAS-accredited testing laboratory and currently seeking an experienced Microbiologist to join their customer-focused laboratory based in the south of Yorkshire. Key Responsibilities: The Senior Microbiologist will p...

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Quality Engineer

Walker Cole International is searching for a Quality Engineer to join a UK pharmaceutical company based in the Yorkshire. As the Quality Engineer, you will be responsible for performing validation and ensuring smooth batch release. Key Responsibiliti...

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