6 Strategy & Consultancy Jobs in Cawston, Norwich (cawston)

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Bid Executive

Yesterday by Sopra Steria

Are you experienced with Bids and looking for a role where you can really make an impact? We're looking for a Bid Executive to join our Consulting Tea...

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Bid Executive

Yesterday by Sopra Steria

Are you experienced with Bids and looking for a role where you can really make an impact? We're looking for a Bid Executive to join our Consulting Team at Sopra Steria Next You will work with teams from Sopra Steria Next, suppliers and sub-contractor...

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Trainee Business Consultant

21 February by ITOL Recruitment

Are you looking to start a career as a Business Consultant and need tailored recruitment support and the right qualifications to secure your career? A business consultant helps a business analyse problems and helps provide a business with solutions b...

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Trainee Business Consultant

21 February by ITOL Recruitment

Are you looking to start a career as a Business Consultant and need tailored recruitment support and the right qualifications to secure your career? A business consultant helps a business analyse problems and helps provide a business with solutions b...

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Project Manager

11 February by Reed

Are you experienced within Projects? Seeking a new role? Look no further Our client are a well-established food business that supplies premium products to well-known restaurants, retailers and food manufacturers is seeking an enthusiastic Project Man...

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ISO Consultant/ Auditor

ISO Consultant/ Auditor Mix of working from home and client site visits Salary: Up to 57,000 Full-time, permanent We provide professional consultation and support for Organisations that require a hassle-free and cost-efficient route to ISO Certificat...

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Trainee Project Coordinator

4 February by IT Career Switch

Project Coordinator Placement Programme - No Experience Required Are you looking to kick-start a new career in Project Management? We are recruiting for companies who are looking to employ our Project Management Traineeship graduates to keep up with ...

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