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New Business Sales Executive IT Sales

Sales Executive (Telephony / UC / Contact Centre) Great opportunity for an experienced new business sales professional to join a leading IT & Telecommunications provider. The business is a mid-tier, market-leading IT Service Provider on the cusp of e...

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Reservations Consultant Long Haul

Are you an experienced Travel Consultant who is knowledgeable on long-haul destinations? Have you worked for a Tour Operator in a travel sales role using GDS? If you would like a Travel Consultant role with sociable hours, a good salary package and B...

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IT Account Manager - Birmingham

Job Role: IT Account Manager Location: Birmingham - Flexible working but will need to work from their Birmingham City Office 2-times a week Key skills: IT Sales, IT Account Management, New Business, O365, MS CSP, Cloud, DRAAS, Hosted Services, IT Man...

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