5 Writer Jobs in Bilsdens

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Technical Writer Dynamics 365

Technical Writer (Microsoft Dynamics Documentation and Training Manuals) We are looking for a Technical Writer to create and maintain comprehensive documentation and training materials for Microsoft Dynamics. In this role, you will develop user guide...

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Bid Manager and Proposal Writer

2 days ago by The Guardian

ABOUT THE BID MANAGER AND PROPOSAL WRITER ROLE We are seeking a skilled Bid Manager and Proposal Writer to join our dynamic Bid Team within the Development, Marketing, and Communications Department at Social Interest Group (SIG). This role is key to ...

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Head of Bid Writing

21 February by Red 5 People Ltd

Are you an experienced Bid Manager with a strong track record in securing trust, grant, and government funding? Do you thrive in a role where you can lead a team, develop funding strategies, and make a meaningful impact? This is a fantastic opportuni...

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Senior Trust Fundraising Manager

Senior Trust Fundraising Manager - Prestigious National Charity - Kent / Hybrid - 45k - 55k We’re on the hunt for an experienced Senior Trust Fundraising Manager , with proven experience in trust fundraising and management,to join a prestigious natio...

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Parliamentary Reporter

2 days ago by The Guardian

House of Commons The House of Commons is a unique and exciting place to work right at the heart of the UK's thriving democratic system. Behind the scenes, the House of Commons Service is made up of more than 3,000 employees who support and facilitate...

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How many Writer jobs in bilsdens are there on Reed.co.uk right now?

There are 5 Writer jobs within 10 miles of Bilsdens on Reed.co.uk right now.

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