Job hidden.

Claims Adjuster

19 February by Nexus Underwriting

At Nexus Claims Management Services are looking for a Claims Adjuster for a 5/6 month Fixed Term Contract. Working with the Head of Claims and individ...

Job hidden.

Claims Adjuster

19 February by Nexus Underwriting

At Nexus Claims Management Services are looking for a Claims Adjuster for a 5/6 month Fixed Term Contract. Working with the Head of Claims and individual Business Unit claims and underwriting personnel to provide a best in class claims service to our...

Job hidden.

12 Month FTC Property Adjuster Cert CILA MPO2481

Our client is seeking a General Property Adjuster (Cert CILA) to work in a fixed term contract for 12 months. You will work from home and operate throughout South East London / Kent and surrounding regions as required. You will handle a portfolio of ...

Job hidden.

FTC Domestic Major Loss Adjuster Cert / Adv Dip CILA MPO2523

Our client is seeking a Domestic Major Loss Adjuster (Cert / Adv Dip CILA) to work on a 12 month fixed term contract. You will work from home and operate throughout London / South East, as required, handling a portfolio of domestic losses over and ab...

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How many contract Adjuster jobs in pooledorset are there on right now?

There are 3 contract Adjuster jobs within 10 miles of Pooledorset on right now.

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Jobseekers searching for adjuster jobs also search for insurance jobs, claims jobs, financial adviser jobs, and claims operations jobs.

What is the average salary of contract Adjuster jobs in pooledorset

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